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Template Building

  1. Quality Improvement Tips

    Questions Is the questionnaire clearly structured? Could some questions be summarized under a "general part"? Can selection (Yes/No) questions...

  2. Create and Edit Template

    New Template   To create a new template, click on the menu item TEMPLATES in the DASHBOARD and then...

  3. Import a Word-Document

      To do this, create a new template. Now click on the IMPORT DOCUMENT button. LAWLIFT now uploads the...

  4. Template Down- & Upload

    You can download your template as a zip file. For example, you can send this file by mail and...

  5. Import Templates into Tabs

    You can copy already existing templates into a new template and thus create new templates with the contents you...

  6. Add Headings & Paragraphs

      Headings To create a new heading, click on ADD NEW HEADING at the bottom of the page in...

  7. Add Sections & Questions to the Questionnaire

    The questionnaire is divided into SECTIONS and QUESTIONS. Tip Group all questions relating to a specific part of the...

  8. Question Types

    Text Question If you want to set placeholders in the text, ask a text question. Placeholders will be replaced...

  9. Add Infotext/Explanation

    You have the option of creating an info text or an explanation under a question. Therefore click on the...

  10. Difference between Selection and Multiple-Choice Question

    For questions that can be answered with "Yes" or "No", we recommend the selection question, as this only allows...

  11. Change the Question-Type

    To change a selection into a multiple choice question or vice versa, click on the question you want to...

  12. Add a Date Field

    Add a Date Field First, create a text question. Click on the three grey dots next to the text...

  13. Set Placeholders

    To set a PLACEHOLDER, click in a heading or paragraph or within a question on the position where you...

  14. Connect answers of Select or Multiple-Choice Question with placeholders

    Answers of a Select or Multiple-Choice Question as Placeholders on the Text Page You can link your answers to...

  15. Rule system

    Not only headings but also paragraphs and single words, punctuation marks or letters can be linked to rules. Answers,...

  16. Set Rules

    Set Rules in the Editor Mode To set a RULE, click on the element that is to appear under...

  17. Rules on placeholders & serials

    Set rules to serials  In the serial question, it is possible to set a condition based on the number of...

  18. Set Inline-Rules

    Set an Inline-Rule To set an inline rule, mark the part to be regulated in an element (section, question,...

  19. Individualise Inline Rules within a Serial (Instances)

      You can set individual elements (inline rules) within a serial to specific parts of that serial. For example,...

  20. Inline-Rule Duplicate

    In LAWLIFT this note then appears:  In these cases, LAWLIFT automatically turns the same inline rules into one and...

  21. Copy Inline-Rules & Placeholders

    Marking with the mouse or using the arrow keys with the Shift key Marking with the keyboard without the...

  22. Link Serials

    If you include a SERIAL question in the questionnaire, you must serialize the elements of your template that you...

  23. Create Serialised Placeholders

    You have the possibility to serialise placeholders with the help of a multiple-choice question and thus represent different variables...

  24. Interlace Serials

    There is often a need to insert data from a serial in the text or assign serials with their...

  25. Delete Elements

    If you click on an element, you will find the option to DELETE the element under the three points that...

  26. Relocate Elements

    You can move all elements using Drag & Drop. If you move the mouse over an element, the following Drag...

  27. Create Ordered Lists

    Creating numbered lists Ordered lists are enumerations that are not subject to the numbering of the document. If you...

  28. Hide Headings

    You have the option of hiding headings in the LAWLIFT template so that they do not appear during document...

  29. Formatting

    Formatting options can be found at the top of the app's menu bar (not in the browser's menu). This...

  30. Superscript Characters

    To superscript characters in LAWLIFT, click on the following button in the menu bar:  Now enter the text that...

  31. Add References

    To insert cross-references, first, click the cursor at the position in the text where you want to insert the...

  32. Create Tables

    There are two design options for inserting tables: 1. You can insert a table with several lines into a...

  33. Create Unordered Lists

    Open your template in Editor mode. Click in a paragraph and mark the paragraphs you want to appear as...

  34. Add Calculations

    Declare a Variable  First, define the name of the variable in the questionnaire ::var[NAME_OF_THE_VARIABLE]. In case the name of...

  35. Calculations with Dates

          For example, it is possible to add a defined period of time to an entered date...

  36. Set a Non-Breaking Space

    For a non-breaking space, use the key combination "CTRL" + "Space".

  37. Write Small Caps

    Especially for defined terms in continuous text, small caps are often a formal requirement. You can add small caps in...

  38. Insert Hyperlinks

    You have the possibility to store hyperlinks in your LAWLIFT template. These are then also stored in the Word...

  39. Create a Signature Line

    Make sure that the heading (in the example: signature line) is hidden and not numbered. Now click into the...

  40. Set Default Answers

        To do so, open the edit mode and click on the answer that appears as the default...

  41. Select the Template Language

        You can select the language of the respective template under OPTIONS.  We offer the following languages to...

  42. Embed an Attachment/Definition Directory

    Attachment table Basically, it is possible to create multiple tables of contents in your letterhead template and thus also...

  43. Insert notes

    With this LAWLIFT template you can interactively get an idea of the different possibilities for inserting notes in your...

  44. Search within the Template

    With the loupe symbol you can find text passages in your template. To do this, simply click on the...

  45. Highlight Text

    You can change the text colour or the colour of the text background. The left icon can be used...

  46. Enumeration options for multiple-choice placeholders

    Custom placeholders for questions with multiple options Custom placeholder formatting allows you to choose how answers to a multiple-choice...

  47. Insert images

    Info This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.   In order to insert an image into your...

  48. Performance Tips for your Template

    Interview Think about a system according to which you structure the sections. For easy comprehension and a good overview,...

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