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Quality Improvement Tips

Before your template goes into use, you should check it again for "typical" errors:


  • Is the questionnaire clearly structured?
  • Could some questions be summarized under a "general part"?
  • Can selection (Yes/No) questions be combined into multiple-choice questions?
  • Can text questions be grouped together?
  • Can a text question be replaced by a choice or multiple-choice question so that the user can save time when generating documents and does not have to type everything in manually?
  • Is it worth linking a multiple choice to a serial?
  • Has a date field been used for date entries?
  • Is there a use case for default answers, i.e. answers predefined in the questionnaire at the beginning?
  • Can the length of the text fields be adjusted? If both values in a line in the questionnaire make sense, they can be moved to 1/4 and 3/4, for example. 
  • For a question asking for a numerical value, have you set the input field so that only numbers can be entered? 
  • Rethink the question logic if there are questions whose answers depend on other questions that are asked later.

Rule setting

  • Are all questions correct and logically regulated? (especially serials finally linked)
  • Are dependent questions regulated among themselves in the questionnaire? 
  • Are there questions without answers when generating documents? (check whether the question has also been ruled and not just the answers)
  • Are there only questions that should be indicated by a previously given answer, or are there questions that should not be asked in a particular scenario?
  • Has attention been paid to the spaces when using inline rules?


  • Numbering on/off in the appropriate places?
  • Does the numbering match the headings, should it be hidden?
  • Headings without paragraphs are automatically hidden by the software and are not numbered.
  • Only one paragraph under a heading is generally not numbered if no further paragraph follows on the same level. The next paragraph does not have to follow immediately, but can be included again later, even if further deeper levels follow when the user returns to the corresponding level.

General Tips/Tricks

  • Would it make sense to use note fields somewhere to make it easier for the user to enter dates?
  • Are there any spelling mistakes in the questionnaire or in the body text? Or has everything been named consistently?
  • Is it worth using a bilingual template or does it make sense to use the languages separately in two different documents using the multi-document workflow?
  • Is it worth using the multi-document workflow for the conversion of several documents with a questionnaire so that it is not necessary to work with different headings in one document?


  • Is the appropriate formatting stored?
  • Does the document look like it should when exporting to Word?
  • Are headings really built as headings and not as paragraphs in LAWLIFT? Attention! the auto-import can sometimes lead to headings being included as paragraphs in Lawlift. The paragraph would have to be rewritten as a heading to remain congruent with Word logic.

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