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Add Headings & Paragraphs

The text of your LAWLIFT template is structured by HEADINGS and PARAGRAPHS.



To create a new heading, click on ADD NEW HEADING at the bottom of the page in the edit mode. Name the heading and press ENTER.  

Open headings have a turquoise triangle (next to "Non-Disclosure Agreement") and closed headings have a grey triangle (next to "Preamble"): 


For contracts, etc. it is advisable to adopt the structure of the contract. For briefs or letters, it makes sense to still give the text a structure by using headings that you hide (see e.g. "Signature").



Note that headings without paragraphs are not displayed during generation and Word export. A heading is only displayed if there is at least one paragraph below it.



You can now insert paragraphs underneath each heading. To do this, click the ADD NEW PARAGRAPH button under a heading. Enter your text manually or copy+paste it from your Word template and press ENTER.


You can copy+paste all paragraphs that are to be grouped underneath one heading at once. The software will take the line breaks from your (Word-)document and automatically create independent paragraphs based on these.


Ensure that the respective heading is expanded by clicking on the grey or turquoise triangle. Only then you can see the ADD NEW PARAGRAPH button.

Click ADD NEW PARAGRAPH, and then press ENTER to create a new paragraph. 
Press ENTER in the current paragraph to create a new paragraph. 
To create a line break within a paragraph, press CTRL + ENTER.

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