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Add a Date Field

You can design text fields as date fields.

Add a Date Field

First, create a text question. Click on the three grey dots next to the text field and then on DATE. 
An exclamation mark appears next to the text field instead of the three grey dots.


 The exclamation mark indicates whether a deviation from the standard has already been set.

During document generation, the text field is now displayed as a date field. The user of the template can select the date from a calendar.  
To convert the date field back to a normal text field, click on the exclamation mark and then on the orange field DATE.


The format of the date is displayed in the language selected in the template. You can change the language in the options of the template. 

To change the format of the date please move your cursor to the respective position on the right side of the app. Enter the command:
In the round brackets, you can select the formats listed here. Then click on Enter. A placeholder [...] is created, which you can link to the date text field from the interview.


Here is a list of commands you can use to format your date:


Keep in mind that the date format needs to use one of the formats for date, month and year from this table:

Mois M 1 2 ... 11 12
  Mo 1st 2nd ... 11th 12th
  MM 01 02 ... 11 12
  MMM Jan Feb ... Nov Dec
  MMMM January February ... November December
Quarter Q 1 2 3 4
  Qo 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Jour du Mois
D 1 2 ... 30 31
  Do 1st 2nd ... 30th 31st
  DD 01 02 ... 30 31
Jour de l'Année DDD 1 2 ... 364 365
  DDDo 1st 2nd ... 364th 365th
  DDDD 001 002 ... 364 365
Jour de la Semaine d 0 1 ... 5 6
  do 0th 1st ... 5th 6th
  dd Su Mo ... Fr Sa
  ddd Sun Mon ... Fri Sat
  dddd Sunday Monday ... Friday Saturday
Jour de la Semaine (Locale) e 0 1 ... 5 6
Jour de la Semaine (ISO) E 1 2 ... 6 7
Semaine de l'Année w 1 2 ... 52 53
  wo 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd
  ww 01 02 ... 52 53
Semaine de l'Année (ISO) W 1 2 ... 52 53
  Wo 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd
  WW 01 02 ... 52 53
YY 70 71 ... 29 30
  YYYY 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030
  YYYYYY -001970 -001971 ... +001907 +001971
Note: Expanded Years (Covering the full-time value range of approximately 273,790 years forward or backwards from 01 January 1970)
  Y 1970 1971 ... 9999 +10000 +10001
Note: This complies with the ISO 8601 standard for dates past the year 9999
Era Year y 1 2 ... 2020 ...
Note: Abbreviated era name
  NNNN Before Christ, Anno Domini
Note: Full era name
Note: Narrow era name
Week Year
gg 70 71 ... 29 30
  gggg 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030
(ISO) GG 70 71 ... 29 30
  GGGG 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030

The singular parts of the date can be separated by all usual symbols like . , ; - & / etc.. Just insert them at the respective location in the placeholder.

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