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Connect answers of Select or Multiple-Choice Question with placeholders

Answers of a Select or Multiple-Choice Question as Placeholders on the Text Page

You can link your answers to select or multiple-choice questions with placeholders on the text page. You can use the text of the answer in the document generation.

For multiple-choice questions, linking the answers with a placeholder is especially useful if you want to list the options. The answers are linked with "," and an "and" at the end. 


The language of the connection depends on the template's language. 

Combine Text Questions with Answers in the Interview

You can link selection or multiple-choice questions with text questions and thus store even more variables in your interview. 

Create a selection or multiple-choice question. Add all the alternatives that you want to store in the template in any case. Then add another alternative, which you call, for example, "further clause" or similar. Then add a text question to the interview, in which you ask for a further alternative. Now put a rule on the text question with the answer "further clause". Then create the clauses or similar on the text page and regulate them with the answers. 


Please note that if you choose this display option, the multiple-choice question should no longer be stored with a placeholder on the text page and therefore the "and" between the alternatives can no longer be displayed automatically but only manually with inline rules.



You can combine the answer of a multiple-choice or selection question with a placeholder of a text question. In this case, you can use the automatic enumeration of multiple-choice questions. 

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