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Embed an Attachment/Definition Directory

Attachment table

Basically, it is possible to create multiple tables of contents in your letterhead template and thus also include tables of attachments next to tables of contents in your automated templates. This gives you the advantage that extensive regulation in LAWLIFT is not necessary and the page numbers are dynamically adjusted. 
Open your letterhead template in Word. The headings of the attachments must now be linked to a different style sheet than the headings of the main document. Now insert the second table of contents via Word. The table of contents must specify the style sheets of the attachment headings so that the table of contents uses only these headings. 

Step 1: Create a table of contents in the letterhead.

Step 2: If desired, you can configure the desired formatting of the table of contents under "Change". Via "Options" you can select the format templates relevant for the table of contents. These are usually the format template(s) used for the headings of the attachments. 

Table of definitions

We provide you here a workaround, how you can include a definition directory in your template. Here, you also have the advantage of dynamic numbering. 
Open your template in LAWLIFT. Insert a table. There you can insert the respective definition and then set the reference to the respective paragraph in which the element to be defined is located. 

Design of the table in Word

With the settings in Word, you can customise the design of your definition table.

Open your letterhead in Word. Insert a table. Now you can create the table style sheets.

Name the style sheet e.g. "Definition Directory". You can freely design the table according to your wishes using the options provided by Word. Before closing the style sheet, make sure to select "New documents based on this style sheet". 

After you have successfully created the style sheet, you can delete the table from the Word document. 

Save your Word document and upload the letterhead to LAWLIFT as usual. Also, remember to relink the corresponding template to the new letterhead that the changes will be applied. 

Finally, open your LAWLIFT template in the app. Insert a new line here in the same paragraph of the created table and insert the name of the created table style template with the command ::customstyle.

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