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Read-only Download

You can export your document read-only directly from Lawlift to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing it. This function is based on the Word read-only protection, as it is also offered by Word itself.


Therefore, open the use or preview mode. Click on the three grey dots next to EXPORT TO WORD. There you can select the option EXPORT READ-ONLY.


For information-security reasons, LAWLIFT cannot set password protection. After the generation of the Word document, password protection can be set in the Word file. Read more about this: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/protect-a-document-with-a-password-05084cc3-300d-4c1a-8416-38d3e37d6826.
General information about the read-only protection in Word can be found here: https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/office/aufforderung-zum-%C3%B6ffnen-einer-datei-mit-schreibschutz-5c25909c-46d9-4eb0-9d1f-d072a560e340.

Read-Only in Publication


This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.

You can also force read-only protection as the only option for publication users. Therefore, go to "Edit publication" and scroll to the "Advanced settings". There you will find the option "Export read-only document". 

When this option is enabled, users of this publication can only create read-only documents. 

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