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Create a Publication

With a publication you have the option of releasing individual templates to third parties who do not have a LAWLIFT account. For example, you can place the publication on your website or make them available to your clients or specialist departments. They can integrate the publications into their own portals.


This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.


In the dashboard you will find the category PUBLICATIONS:

Here you have the option of releasing individual templates to third parties who do not have a LAWLIFT account. For example, you can place the publication on your website or make them available to your clients or specialist departments. They can integrate the publications into their own portals. 


The scope of the usage options depends on the licenses granted. If you do not see the menu item "Publications", you have not yet booked a corresponding package. Please feel free to contact our support: support@lawlift.de. 


Create Publication

Click on the NEW PUBLICATION button to create a publication.
In a dropdown with an integrated search field, you can then select one of your templates for the publication and give it a name.

Further Settings


This feature is only available in the unlimited plan.

In the following, you have the possibility to make further settings. To do this, first, move your cursor over the publication you have created and click on EDIT PUBLICATION. You can define an individual letterhead or activate IP whitelisting. You can also change the template and/or assign a specific version.



To ensure that the publication is based on the latest version, please select the latest version (i.e. highest number) in the dropdown. 

In the publication menu, you can see from the two arrows at the top right whether there is an update for a publication.

You will also find the link or embed code here if the publication is to be integrated into another website. 


You can combine different IP addresses into a range and then whitelist the whole range. To do this, add a hyphen to the last level of the IP address, e.g. 192.xxx.0.1-45. The "x" are only placeholders, so you have to specify the complete IP address.


Design of your Publication

In addition, you can adapt the design of the publication to your wishes, e.g. insert your own logo or that of your client or your specialist department and/or adjust the colours. To do this, click on EDIT DESIGN and make the changes. All changes will be saved automatically.

Activate, Deactivate and Delete Publication

As soon as you have clicked on the ACTIVATE PUBLICATION button, the publication appears in green. You can deactivate the publication again by clicking on the PUBLICATED button and then on DEACTIVATE. In the following, INACTIVE is displayed.  
To delete a publication, you must first deactivate it. Afterwards, the button DELETE will be displayed. 
You can embed the link on a website or send it to your client by e-mail or other means.
The publication link is displayed when you move the cursor over the window to the corresponding publication.
You can also find the link by clicking on the EDIT PUBLICATION button. There you will also find an iFrame link so that you can easily integrate the questionnaire into a website.


Please do not forget to define the height and width when integrating the iFrame and feel free to test the integration on one of the many free iFrame test pages. 


If you are logged in to LAWLIFT, you cannot test the link in the same browser. Please use another browser where you are not logged in with LAWLIFT.


The link to the generated document can be opened by all Lawlift users of the same account. You just need to send the link further.


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