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Whitelisting of E-Mails or Domains

You can determine who shall have access to your publication:


This feature is only available in the unlimited plan. 


Go to the "Publications" menu. Then click on the respective publication and edit it. Under "edit publication" you will find the option "enable IP whitelisting":

The following options exist:
  • You can allow any e-mail address. Therefore, activate domain whitelisting but do not enter anything.
  • You can allow all email addresses of a domain, just enter the domain e.g. "gmail.com" for all email addresses of Gmail.
  • You can also allow specific email addresses, just enter the email addresses one after the other (one entry per line)
The publication can be used as often as desired, the user only has to enter his or her e-mail address each time and a code will be sent to him or her which has to be entered to use the publication. 
If the visitor clicks on the publication link, he will be asked to enter his or her e-mail address. 
Afterwards, he will be sent a code which he must enter.
The publication now opens. 


The domain-whitelisting also works with Single-Sign-On. It will run the whitelisting after the log in via SSO and it checks if the user is allowed to access the publication. Just activate both in the publication's settings.


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